#sims 4 game of thrones
thegingernerdist · 2 years
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Kings and Queens of the Iron Throne: Part II
♛ His Grace, Aenys I of House Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm
♛ Her Grace, Alyssa Velaryon, Queen-Consort of the Seven Kingdoms
“The king was easily influenced, swaying this way and that like a reed into the wind, like as not to heed whichever councillor last had his ear.” - Grand Maester Gawen
“Above all else, Alyssa desired to be loved, admired, and praised.” - Septon Barth
I made these two a LONG time ago now, but I’ve had these pictures sitting in my folder. I need to find the time to grab portraits of all the other sims as well. I hope you all enjoy my take on these two. Aenys was a genetically-rolled child of my Aegon and Rhaenys sims, whilst  Alyssa is one I made myself. She is a favorite of mine thus far! My origin ID is AvatarKatara1001 if you’re interested in checking out all my Targaryens and other ASOIAF sims!
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avacdavra · 3 months
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𝔄𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔱 ℌ𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯, ℜ𝔥𝔞𝔢𝔫𝔶𝔯𝔞 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔫, ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔞𝔢𝔫𝔞 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔫
from ℌ𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔒𝔣 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫
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westerosisim · 2 months
Westerosi Fashion - Before the Conquest
Kingdom of the North
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cc look 1: top, skirt, hair, earrings, necklace
cc look 2: top/bottom/hat, hair, earrings
model: Princess of the North
Kingdom of the Mountain and Vale
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cc look 1: dress, hair, crown, earrings, necklace, belt, fur
cc look 2: dress, hair, hair detail, cloak, belt, fur, earrings, necklace
model: Sharra Arryn - Queen Regent of the Mountain and Vale
Kingdom of the Rock
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cc look 1: dress, hair, crown, earrings
cc look 2: dress, hair
model: Queen of the Rock
Kingdom of the Reach
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cc look 1: dress, hair, crown, earrings/bracelet, necklace, shoes
cc look 2: dress, hair, flower crown, earrings/necklace, belt, shoes
model: Queen of the Reach
Principality of Dorne
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cc look 1: dress, hair (cottage living), turtleneck, headpiece, necklace (strangerville)
cc look 2: dress, hair, circlet, earrings/necklace
models: Meria Martell - Princess of Dorne, Deria Martell - future Princess of Dorne
Before the conquest, all the seven kingdoms of Westeros had their own distinct style, but as one kingdom, the main fashion influences came from the royal Targaryen family. Only certain areas, such as the North and Dorne, kept their own traditional styles (my canon).
One of my favorite parts of doing an asoiaf save file is storytelling through fashion!
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asoiafccfinds · 2 months
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they were girls together
main: @westerosisim
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thesims4asoiaf · 5 months
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The children of Daenaera and Aegon
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invisiblequeen · 5 months
Anybody here know Daenerys Stormborn of The House Targaryen, First Of her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons?
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simspiriorum · 6 months
Starting the other houses!
The Start of House Baratheon*⭑✩ (Currently Durrandon)
Sul! Sul!
Even though Aegon and his sisters still aren't born I wanted to start preparing for future marriages and such soooooo
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Argella Durrandon Princess Of Storms End*⭑✩
Looking into Argella's Durrandon I feel soooo bad for her so I wanted to do her justice and make her as purrty as I can. I'm rlly excited to see the dynamic between her and Orys esp after what he did to her father.....
CC: Eyes, Skin, Hair, Crown, Dress, Necklaces, Earrings, Arm Wrappings
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Argilac Durrandon 'The Arrogant', The Storm King*⭑✩
As much as I feel bad for Argella, Argilac really bugged me in fire and blood... He was all bark no bite and really thought he could handle Rhaenys on Meraxes AND the entirety of the Targaryen forces?????
CC: Eyes, Skin, Wrinkles, Hair, Beard, Crown, Outfit, Cape
I'm yet to make Orys cuz I'm integrating that gameplay with the current Targaryen household because of that rumour in Fire and Blood that Orys is a bastard of Aerion >.< So I gotta make a purrty lady for Aerion to get pregnant before I can make Orys T-T
Dag Dag!
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maychany · 2 months
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I'm not a fan of creating real people, but I have an addiction to "House of the Dragon" 😅
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Deception & Reunion
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In the short time since King Edward ascended to the throne, his actions have left a profound impact on Windenburg. With the skies clearing of smoke and homes being rebuilt, the kingdom began to flourish once more. One of Edward's earliest acts as King was to restore his sister Augusta's rightful titles. In a grand ceremony held at Windenburg Castle, King Edward crowned Augusta as Princess once again, reinstating her household and all the privileges that had been taken from her years ago. Additionally, Edward orchestrated the exhumation of late Queen Fiona's remains from the Tower, granting her a proper burial in the vault beneath Westsimster Abbey. This gesture held immense significance for Augusta, who had long yearned for the opportunity to know her mother and was previously forbidden from speaking of her.
Despite the renewed hope and progress in Windenburg, darkness still persisted. Within the confines of Windenburg Castle, on a chilling Autumn night, Queen Cordelia lay nestled in her chambers, the warmth of the hearth casting gentle flickers of light across the room. Suddenly, she was jolted awake by a thunderous banging on her chamber door, echoing through the stillness of the castle.
Intrigued yet cautious, Cordelia rose from her bed, she approached the heavy oak door, the rhythmic pounding growing louder with each step. With a deep breath, she unlocked the latch and pulled the door open, only to be greeted by an empty corridor. Confusion knitted her brow as she glanced around, expecting to see her guards stationed nearby, but they were nowhere to be found.
A sense of unease crept over her, prompting Cordelia to step into the corridor, she moved cautiously, her footsteps echoing softly against the walls. As she rounded a corner, another noise pierced the silence, causing her to halt in her tracks. Her heart raced as she turned, her candlestick trembling slightly in her grasp.
There, hiding in the shadows, stood a figure clad in dark attire, the glint of steel catching her eye. Cordelia's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing with a mix of fear and disbelief. She had stumbled upon an armed intruder, a threat lurking within the very halls of her castle. Time seemed to slow as she struggled to comprehend the danger before her.
In a moment of terror, Cordelia's grip faltered, and the candlestick slipped from her fingers, clattering to the floor with a resounding thud. The sound echoed through the corridor, a stark reminder of the perilous situation unfolding around her.
As the first light of dawn painted the sky over Windenburg, a sense of unease settled over the castle. Queen Cordelia's continued absence was unusual, her presence normally a steadfast pillar within the fortress walls. In his chambers, King Edward lay in a peaceful slumber, the gentle morning sun filtering through the ornate windows.
Lady Philippa, a trusted advisor known for her composed demeanor, entered the chamber with purpose. Her voice, though calm, carried an undertone of concern as she called out to rouse Edward from his sleep. The news of a Tartosan-flagged ship's sighting added a layer of intrigue to the morning. Edward's awakening was met with a humble smirk, a blend of curiosity and anticipation evident in his expression. He sought clarification from Philippa regarding his mother's possible return, her response tinged with a subtle hint of doubt.
That morning, a bustling scene unfolded along the Windenburg coastline. Tents were meticulously pitched, and the diligent servants ensured an abundance of food was prepared for the anticipated guests' arrival. King Edward, amidst the festivity, gazed out toward the sea where the Tartosan-flagged ship approached, its arrival met with cheers and jubilation from the gathered crowd. Despite the celebratory atmosphere, Edward's mind was consumed with concern for his missing mother. He struggled to push aside the nagging feeling of uncertainty, focusing instead on the tasks at hand.
Standing next to Edward, Lord Richard, who had taken on the roles of Lord Protector and Regent, provided comforting words, assuring the king that everything would be fine. He ventured to speculate that Cordelia could possibly be visiting relatives in Bagley. As Richard moved away, Edward's mind wandered, grappling with the uncertainty of his mother's whereabouts and the perplexing circumstances surrounding her sudden disappearance.
As the ship finally docked at the shore, a flurry of activity ensued. The Dowager Queen Margaery and Empress Mary, accompanied by their entourage, disembarked from the vessel. Among the welcoming throng, Lady Jane rushed forward to greet her long-absent mother. It had been 21 years since their parting, and Jane's joy at seeing Margaery again was palpable. Emotions ran high as Lady Dorethea embraced Margaery warmly, tears of disbelief streaming down her cheeks. Years of uncertainty and doubt had led them to believe that Margaery would never return to Windenburg, adding to the emotional weight of this reunion.
In a dark, stone room, Cordelia lay sprawled on a rough straw mattress. The cold, damp air clawed at her skin, permeating every breath with a musty stench that hung heavy in her lungs. The rhythmic drip of water echoed ominously, a constant reminder of her captivity in this dismal abyss.
As her consciousness reluctantly resurfaced, Cordelia's senses were assaulted by the oppressive atmosphere. With a pained groan, she struggled to sit up, her mind reeling with disorientation and fear.
"Where am I?" Her voice quivered, lost in the suffocating darkness. "How did I end up here?" The questions lingered in the air, unanswered echoes that only intensified the sense of foreboding that enveloped her.
As the haze of confusion slowly dissipated, Cordelia pieced together the grim sequence of events that had led her to this desolate place. She had been snatched, taken hostage by an unknown assailant. But why had this happened? And where was her captor now?
Unbeknownst to Cordelia, the Jacoban Clergy had struck a dark bargain with the newly appointed Lord Lorus Landgraab. They tempted him with a substantial sum to utilize his castle, situated on the Isle near Aarbyville, as the ideal site for Cordelia's secretive imprisonment. Lorus, barely 18 and naive to the clergy's ulterior motives, accepted the offer.
After a failed attempt to break free, Cordelia's desperate cries for help echoed fruitlessly in the sealed chamber. The solid door stood as an impenetrable barrier, leaving her trapped in a state of utter despair. She sank to her knees, hands gripping her face, questioning her fate with a heavy heart.
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I tried to make house Warmen in the sims 🩵💛
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Lacie Warmen, we all know and love her 🩵
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Devlon Warmen, he's the youngest but acts like the oldest.
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Gaius Warmen, he's our resident stupid brave character and we love him for it.
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Erron Warmen, he's kinda-- Generic Funny Disney Brother vibes... But I still love him. He's a romantic at heart.
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Addam Warmen, no. 1 dad in Westeros. A family man that doesn't just care about his legacy.
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Jerrica Warmen, the disowned cousin of Hobert and Otto Hightower.
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Lynna Warmen, she's originally from Tyrosh! She's Addam's mother.
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jaenaratargaryen · 1 year
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“Though she never wed, she had many offers, and several lovers through the years. Duels were fought over the right to sit beside her, men killed themselves after falling from her favor, poets outdid each other writing songs about her beauty. Her most ardent admirer was her half-brother, Bloodraven, who proposed marriage to her half a hundred times. Shiera gave him her bed, but never her hand. It amused her more to make him jealous.”
—George R. R. Martin
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(Art by @naomimakesart ))
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forestcat222 · 13 days
I'm a sims 4 player and I'm constantly making game of thrones characters, I really want crown cc that actually looks like it came from game of thrones but all the ones i find are from sims 2 which I do not own. so i was hoping if anyone has any asoiaf crowns they could send me a download link for them? Anything would be appreciated.
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faeporcelain · 2 years
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Recreating ASOIAF on the Sims 4: Jaehaerys and Alyssane’s family
Testing out the pose mod for the first time… If ur interested in what cc I used I have a Tumblr dedicated to Ts4^^
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(From left to right) Top row: Baelon, maegelle (Ik she’s a septa but I just wanted to dress her up for once🥲) Vaegon, Aemon
Middle row: Alyssa, Viserys, Daella, Jaehaerys, Alyssane, Gael, Rhaenys, Jocelyn
Bottom: Saera and Viserra
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Starting to play around with the pose mod! This is only a test; Understanding how the mod works and how the dresses handle different poses, how the hairs and backgrounds look etc… So I’m actually quite ahead of this portrait (Daella and Alyssa are dead, Maegelle and Vaegon have been doing their own thing for years now, Daemon and Aemma are toddlers, Saera is a teen and her scandal just happened, Jaehaerys’s beard is longer…) but I wanted to go back to take a cute little family portrait before everything went downhill lol ALSO I feel like this is sort of important to say; THERE IS NO INCEST IN MY GAME!! What I did for couples like Jaehaerys and Alyssane and Alyssa and Baelon was create a toddler sibling in CAS around the time they would be born and REMOVE the parents from their relationship. Alyssa and Alyssane grew up with everyone but weren’t actually their siblings. No way I’m getting a incest mod 😭
I just noticed how Viserys resembles young Show!Rhaenyra :0
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westerosisim · 2 months
Conquerors lookbook
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cc: outfit & headpiece, hair, earrings (crystal creations)
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cc: outfit, hair, crown
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cc: dress, hair, crown, necklace, ring & earrings (crystal creations)
Inspired by this amazing art! (by: @fkaluis)
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asoiafccfinds · 2 months
Funeral of Prince Jaehaerys
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main: @westerosisim
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thesims4asoiaf · 5 months
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Oh, what can I do? Life is beautiful but you don’t have a clue…
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